
Timeline of Animal Protection Organizations

Major animal protection groups in the United Kingdom and the United States with founding dates and name change information

Metropolitan Drinking Foundation & Cattle Trough Association, founded 1859

  • Italics denotes American organizations

  • Groups are extant unless otherwise noted

  • Conservation organizations with focus on wildlife included

  • Forward slash (/) denotes change in group name, final name is current name; “(year)” denotes year name changed

1824 - 1900

1824 Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals / Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (1840) (RSPCA)

1839 Scottish Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SSPCA)

1847 Vegetarian Society of the United Kingdom

1850 American Vegetarian Society (disbanded 1862)

1859 Metropolitan Drinking Fountain Association / Metropolitan Drinking Fountain and Cattle Trough Association (1867) / Drinking Fountain Association (2011)

1860 Battersea Dogs' Home

1866 American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA)

1867 Pennsylvania Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (PSPCA)

1868 Massachusetts Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (MSPCA)

1869 Women’s Humane Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals / Women’s Animal Center (2018)

1875 Victoria Street Society for the Protection of Animals Liable to Vivisection aka Victoria Street Society / National Anti-Vivisection Society (NAVS) [UK] (1898)

1876 Scottish Anti-Vivisection Society / Animal Concern (1988)

1876 London and Provincial Anti-Vivisection Society (merged into NAVS [UK] 1957)

1877 International Humane Association / American Humane Association a.k.a. American Humane (1878)

1883 American Anti-Vivisection Society / American Society for the Restriction of Vivisection (1885) / American Anti-Vivisection Society (1888)

1885 Plumage League [first of two groups formed under this name] (subsumed into Selborne Society 1886)

1885 Selborne Society for the Preservation of Birds, Plants, and Pleasant Places (aka Selborne Society)

1886 Home of Rest for Horses / The Horse Trust (2006)

1886 American Vegetarian Society (disbanded 1921)

1888 London Vegetarian Society (merged into Vegetarian Society 1969)

1889 Plumage League [second of two groups formed under this name] (amalgamated with Fur, Fin and Feather Folk into RSPB 1889)

1889 Fur, Fin and Feather Folk (amalgamated with Plumage League into RSPB 1889)

1889 Society for the Protection of Birds / Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (1904) (RSPB)

1891 National Canine Defence League / Dogs Trust (2003)

1892 Sierra Club

1895 New England Anti-Vivisection Society (NEAVS)

1897 Our Dumb Friends’ League / The Blue Cross (1950) / Blue Cross (2011)

1898 British Union for the Abolition of Vivisection / Cruelty Free International (2015)

1899 Animal Rescue League of Boston

1900 - 1950

1905 Audubon Society

1907 Society for the Prevention of Abuse in Animal Experimentation (disbanded 1914)

1908 New York Anti-Vivisection Society (disbanded 1938)

1909 National Equine (and Smaller Animals’) Defence League a.k.a. Animals’ Refuge

c.1910 National Society for the Humane Regulation of Vivisection (disbanded >1958)

1911 Vivisection Investigation League (subsumed into The Last Post Animal Sanctuary c.1989)

1914 Performing and Captive Animals’ Defence Society (disbanded 2006)

1924 League Against Cruel Sports

1925 Anti-Steel Trap League (disbanded ~1958, exact date disputed)

1926 University of London Animal Welfare Society / Universities Federation for Animal Welfare (1938)

1927 Cats Protection League / Cats Protection (1998)

1927 International League for the Protection of Horses / World Horse Welfare

1927 Pit Ponies’ Protection Society

1929 National Anti-Vivisection Society [US]

1929 Emergency Conservation Committee (disbanded 1942)

1932 National Society for the Abolition of Cruel Sports (assets transferred to Care for the Wild 1982)

1935 National Wilderness Society

1936 National Wildlife Foundation

1944 Vegan Society

1947 Defenders of Furbearers / Defenders of Wildlife (1959)

1948 National Humane Education Society

1950 - 1976

1950 World Federation for the Protection of Animals (merged with International Society for the Protection of Animals into World Society for the Protection of Animals 1981)

1951 Animal Welfare Institute

1952 Mary Mitchell Humane Fund (subsumed into Massachusetts SPCA c.?)

1954 National Humane Society / Humane Society of the United States (1956)

1955 Society for Animal Protective Legislation (political arm of Animal Welfare Institute)

1957 Captive Animals’ Protection Society

1957 Friends of Animals

1959 National Catholic Society for Animal Welfare / Society for Animal Rights (c.1973) / International Society for Animal Rights (1977)

1959 International Society for the Protection of Animals (merged with World Federation for the Protection of Animals into World Society for the Protection of Animals 1981)

1960 American Vegan Society

1963 Hunt Saboteurs Association

1967 Compassion in World Farming

1967 United Action for Animals

1967 The Fund for Animals

1968 Animal Protection Institute (merged into Born Free USA 2007)

1968 United Animal Defenders

1969 The Donkey Sanctuary

1969 Fund for the Replacement of Animals in Scientific Experiments

1969 International Association Against Painful Experiments on Animals

1969 Friends of the Earth

1971 Friends of the Earth UK

1972 Animal Liberation Front

1973 Chickens’ Lib (disbanded 2010)

1974 North American Vegetarian Society

1975 Greenpeace USA

1976 International Donkey Protection Trust

1977 Animal Liberation Front [US]

1977 Animal Aid

1977 Greenpeace UK

1979 Sea Shepherd Conservation Society

1979 Attorneys for Animal Rights / Animal League Defense Fund (1984)

1980 People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA)

1981 World Society for the Protection of Animals (merger of World Federation for the Protection of Animals and International Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals) / World Animal Protection (2014)

1982 Care for the Wild International

1984 Born Free Foundation

1985 Lynx (disbanded 1992)

1987 Whale and Dolphin Conservation

1989 Center for Biological Diversity

1990 Animal Defenders International

1997 Shark Trust

2002 Born Free USA

2010 Hounds Off

Additions? Corrections? Email me at Thank you!

After 1976